About the library of knowledge
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Sharing knowledge - the knowledge library of Shitofim
Since 2006, a sharing team develops and collects professional applied knowledge in the worlds of social management, dialogue between sectors, sharing processes and collective impact. Our knowledge base includes key concepts, professional articles, reviews and tools that are organized by our content worlds and offered here for use.
In the database you can find professional knowledge at several levels:
- Practical, useful, and necessary in the worlds of joint social impact and collective impact
- Guides – detailed and professional on topics of joint initiatives and social management
- Articles – by experts from the Shitufim team, additional professional organizations, and from around the world
- Reviews – on developments in Israel and around the world on topics of collective impact, social impact, and cross-sector dialogue
- Concepts – short and clear from the content worlds of collective impact, social impact, civil society, third sector, and philanthropy.

Orientation in the database
The search is carried out using a smart search engine: information can be found by typing search words in the search window (located in the top menu of the site as well as inside each knowledge page), or by searching in the subject categories that appear at the bottom of each page.
In addition, in order to make it easier to find the applied tools, we have gathered them in the toolboxes:

Orientation in the database
The search is carried out using a smart search engine: information can be found by typing search words in the search window (located in the top menu of the site as well as inside each knowledge page), or by searching in the subject categories that appear at the bottom of each page.
In addition, in order to make it easier to find the applied tools, we have gathered them in the toolboxes:

The use of the contents of the database
We allow any person or organization to use the materials at no cost or other compensation. It is recommended to share the knowledge with anyone who might find it professionally interesting and useful. However, in any written citation or use of the professional materials, credit must be given to Shitufim – Strategies for Social Impact.
For more information, you can contact us: info@sheatufim.org.il