When Research and Action Join Forces - שיתופים When Research and Action Join Forces - שיתופים

RESOURCES FOR SOCIAL CHANGE / When Research and Action Join Forces


Sheatufim team


When Research and Action Join Forces

Towards Professional Social R&D – Abstract

his document was formulated and written as the result of a joint discourse that developed between SHEATUFIM and Yad Hanadiv after it became clear that the two organizations are promoting parallel thought processes around social R&D – meaning research and development of applied knowledge and tools. Our common interest in the field ultimately encouraged us to join forces. The promotion of R&D processes in civil society organizations is not only growing, but is a key process in developing the field’s professionalism.

Simply put, R&D processes should be included in the required infrastructure of organizations that are active in the social arena, similar to managerial, financial, operational, and other infrastructures.

The complete document (in Hebrew) presents an interim summary combining a depiction of the current on-the-ground situation, as well as relevant organizational thinking around two directions: Internally, so that follow-up processes can continue developing organizational endeavors, and externally, to invite other organizations in the social-civil sector to join this

exploration of social R&D. In other words, we invite organizations to take part in an ongoing joint effort to develop the social R&D concept, comprised of desired applied work principles.

This document is not a finished product, but rather a pause to think and further prepare.

The full abstract: “When Research and Action Join Forces”

The full article in Hebrew